[ANN] Free XQuery Tutorial: Using XQuery in Your Architecture

Minollo and I will be presenting a tutorial on using XQuery in various
architectures, showing how it can be used in web architectures, XML
pipelines, data integration applications, and publishing
applications. Minollo (whose real name is Carlo Innocenti) is the
Program Manager for DataDirect XQuery, and I'm the XQuery Technology
Lead (and an editor of several W3C XQuery specifications).

This tutorial will be given at the DataDirect Design Previews. Here
are the dates and locations.

September 26, The Solution Center,Durham, NC
October 3, Newton Marriott Newton, MA (Boston)
October 4, Fairview Park Marriott Falls Church, VA (DC)
October 10, Austin Marriott at the Capitol   Austin, TX
October 11, The Westin Palo Alto Palo Alto, CA

You can register here:


Read my Blog: http://blogs.datadirect.com/jonathan_robie/
Learn XQuery: http://media.datadirect.com/download/docs/ddxquery/tutorial_query.html
Learn XQJ (the JDBC for XQuery): http://www.datadirect.com/developer/xquery/topics/xqj_tutorial/
Get DataDirect XQuery: http://www.datadirect.com/products/xquery/

Received on Friday, 15 September 2006 15:42:43 UTC