XQuery - XPath: Get position of Element TAG (not element)


I would like to check, if the name of the second element of a parent element is "youngestSon". Is it possible to query this with xpath/xquery (I use xquery with xpath-expressions, in fact I already know the name of the element but want to get sure with an exist-statement, that the element's position is 2) ?


Note, that the child element names are different. What I dont need is the second son in the following example (therefor I could use /parent/son[position()==2] )


My XQuery is:

xquery version "1.0";

for $parent in doc("sample.xml")/parent
let $oldestson:= $parent/oldestSon
let $youngestson:= $parent/youngestSon

where (
and exists($oldestson)
and exists($youngestson)

return (

The Query checks, if in the sample-document there exists a parent with oldestSon and youngestSon, but doesnt make sure, that oldestSon comes before youngestSon. I could use

where $oldestson < $youngestson

but have cases where I dont know all elements (and therefor nothing about oldestson), so would like something like

where $youngestson "IS SECOND CHILD OF PARENT"

Thank you for any help!!!


Thank you for any help!
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Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 11:07:47 UTC