Re: how to prune subtrees in an XQuery result

Michael Kay wrote:
> "where $A/$matches" is not wrong, but given that $A is a singleton, it's
> trivially the same as "where $matches".
> I think you can still avoid repeating the condition even when the "or"
> becomes an "and".
> <Results> {
>    for $A in doc("data.xml")/ASet/A
>    let $matchesB := $A/B[. = ("red","yellow")]
>    let $matchesC := $A/C[. = ("chair","table")]   
>    where ($matchesB and $matchesC)
>      return
>       <A> 
>        {$A/@*, $matchesB, $matchesC }
>       </A>        
> }</Results>

I really like this solution. I will investigate more deeply my use case 
with more complex examples and the "let" clause.

Thanks for the help,


Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2005 00:17:25 UTC