Re: Variable references in path expressions

>>I suggest that the atomic values returning from the last
>>step must be a result of evaluating against the preceding
>>step. Wherein the above example, there should be an
>>attempt to convert each item into a QName 
> I don't understand this notion of converting things into QNames. 
> In a conventional path expression such as a/following-sibling::*, how would
> I convert following-sibling::* into a QName?

I might be mistaken, but I think he wants to do this:
 > let $a := (<a/>,<b/>,<c/>)
 > let $b := (xs:QName("b"), xs:QName("c"))
 > return $a/$b
.. would lead to $a being filtered by $b's QNames on the child axis, so 
the result would be <b/>,<c/> (e.g. what you would get by 
$a/element($b)). I've noticed that some people tend to understand 
Variable references in XQuery PathSteps this way.


Received on Thursday, 28 April 2005 09:39:07 UTC