All Group Operator


could you please clarify the semantics of the &-Operator for me:  I 
understand, that:

- XML Schema ALL-Groups are represented by the &-notation in XQuery
- ALL-Groups in XML Schema may only contain Element-Nodes with MaxOccurs=1 
as content
- The & notation can be expanded to the interleaved product of its content 

However, the XQuery semantics document contains judgements like the 

- ElementContent & text*                     (Sec. 7.1.6)
- Type3 & processing-instruction* & comment* (Sec. 7.1.8).

How can the all-notation in these examples be expanded to an interleaved 
product?  In particular, I do not understand how to handle the occurence 
indicators.  Can type expressions be broken up? For example is the 
following expansion valid? (A,B) & C* == (C*,A,C*,B,C*)

Thanks in advance,
  Robin Aly
Robin Aly (

Received on Monday, 15 November 2004 16:09:14 UTC