Re: creation order vs. document order

Hello Mary,

Mary Fernandez wrote:
> In the [XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model], Section 4.3,
> there is a set of constraints on element nodes. #3 is
> the one that you are looking for:
> "Element nodes must satisfy the following constraints.
>      [....]
>      3. The sequence of nodes in the children property is ordered and
>         must be in document order. ... etc..."

Indeed, that was exactly what I had overlooked and only realized afterwards.

> In the [XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics], Section 2.2 gives
> a formal notation for the XQuery Data Model, but it _does not_ repeat
> the constraints specified in the data model document.  The editors
> are working right now to make the relationship between documents
> more clear and to identify normative vs. informative text.  I will
> make a note to refer to the data model constraints explicitly in 
> Section 2.2.

That certainly would have helped. In all modesty I think that if I'm 
having trouble understanding the formal semantics, then some other 
people are probably also having a hard time getting their head around 
it. That's actually one of the reasons why we are trying at the moment 
to come up with a formal semantics for a small but relevant subset of 
XQuery that can be used to do (database or other) theory.

Having said that, I still think that the problem with the content 
construction for new elements *is* a real problem (although easy to fix) 
but I refer for that to my reaction to Peter's mail.

    Jan Hidders

  | Post-doctoral researcher               e-mail: |
  | Dept. Math. & Computer Science         tel: (+32) 3 218 08 73       |
  | University of Antwerp                  fax: (+32) 3 218 07 77       |
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Received on Wednesday, 24 September 2003 11:09:54 UTC