Re: creation order vs. document order

Torsten Grust wrote:
> On September 23 (16:09 +0200), Jan Hidders wrote with possible deletions:
> | [...]
> | Ok, but can you point out to me where in the formal semantics it says
> | that it *must* be so? We are trying here, for research purposes, to come
> | up with a concise, formal and complete description of the semantics of
> | (a subset) of XQuery, so I would like to be sure.
> Is 4.8.2 in the XQuery Formal Semantics what you're looking for?
> (*)              dynEnv |- Expr1 => Item1 ,..., Itemn
>         dynEnv + varValue(Variable => Item1) |- Expr2 => Value1
>                                   ...
>         dynEnv + varValue(Variable => Itemn) |- Expr2 => Valuen
>       -------------------------------------------------------------------
> (**)  dynEnv |- for Variable in Expr1 return Expr2 => Value1 ,..., Valuen
> Note the order of Items and Values in lines (*) and (**).  They
> coincide.

I don't think that answers my question. This says something about the 
order of the nodes but nothing about their order in document order: it 
is still quite possible that Value2 precedes Value1 in document order. 
It all depends on where in the universe of all created fragment newly 
created nodes are placed when they are created.

    Jan Hidders

  | Post-doctoral researcher               e-mail: |
  | Dept. Math. & Computer Science         tel: (+32) 3 218 08 73       |
  | University of Antwerp                  fax: (+32) 3 218 07 77       |
  | Middelheimlaan 1, BE-2020 Antwerpen, BELGIUM     room: G 3.21       |

Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2003 10:34:12 UTC