Re: XQuery as a multidatabase language

You (and perhaps the XQuery community) may be interested in our work 
on xlinkit which provides a framework for constraining the 
relationship between different XML schemas. We can check to see if 
instances of documents breach the constraints and have recently shown 
how we can statically analyse the constraints to identify repairs.


A short technical tutorial can also be found at

Technical details:

C. Nentwich, L. Capra, W. Emmerich and A. Finkelstein, "xlinkit: A 
Consistency Checking and Smart Link Generation Service," ACM 
Transactions on Internet Technology , vol. 2, pp. 151-185, 2002.

C. Nentwich, W. Emmerich and A. Finkelstein, "Consistency Management 
with Repair Actions," presented at Proc. of the 25th Int. Conference 
on Software Engineering, Portland, Oregon, 2003.


At 3:48 am +0000 13/9/03, wrote:
>Hi Andreas,
>That's correct, and of course there have already been some academic and
>commercial projects to exploit this (using XQuery or its precursors).  You're
>probably already familiar with them.
>The XQuery Data Model can accomodate multiple databases, but there is nothing
>in the standard that describes how that might be done (and that's a good
>thing).  XQuery knows nothing about domain semantics and does not try to
>resolve schema differences.
>I think you would be interested in
>especially the papers on Cupid and automatic schema matching (and other papers
>by Bernstein).
>Michael Brundage
>writing as
>Author, "XQuery: The XML Query Language" (Addison-Wesley, to appear 2003)
>Co-author, "Professional XML Databases" (Wrox Press, 2000)
>not as
>Technical Lead
>WebData XML Team / Common Query Runtime
>>  Hi all,
>>  I'm currently working on my master’Äôs thesis at the University Of Bergen,
>>  Norway. In my thesis I (try to) explore the capabilities of XQuery in a
>>  multidatabase context. This does not merely mean accessing data from
>>  several XML documents, but also resolving the semantic heterogeneities
>>  possibly (and most likely) occurring when attempting this.
>>  I am interested in contact with anyone who's working on similar problems or
>>  others who think they could have useful input in this area.
>>  My current conclusion is that XQuery can access several XML-documents, but
>>  does that it does not offers any means to resolve differences such as
>>  differences such as homonyms and synonyms in the mark-up.
>>  Regards
>>  Andreas Jacobsen
>>  University Of Bergen, Norway


Anthony Finkelstein
Head of Department & Professor of Software Systems Engineering

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Received on Monday, 15 September 2003 05:50:57 UTC