[ANN] IPSI-XQ v1.3.0 released


we are proud to announce the release of IPSI-XQ version 1.3.0. 

IPSI-XQ is an implementation of the upcoming W3C XQuery standard for an
XML query language. It is implemented as faithfully as possible along
the current W3C Working Drafts. It is available for free for
non-commercial usage. It comes along with several user interfaces - a
graphical, a command line and web interface - and it has a wide JAVA API
to integrate it into other applications. 

The new version 1.3.0 is based on the latest working drafts of May 2nd.
In this version most of the functions and operators have been
implemented. Additionally the Java API was widely enhanced. 

Version 1.3.0 has the following modifications to 1.2.2:

   - The syntax and semantics is modified to reflect the Working Drafts
from 2003-05-02.
   - Most of the functions and operators are implemented, including
     for date, time and durations.
   - Improved performance.
   - Global variables are supported.
   - Strongly enhanced API, supports plug-in of own data model
     definition of external functions, definition of external variables,
     more control when calling IPSI-XQ and exposition of XQuery AST
     as framework for own XQuery applications.
   - Improved output window for the GUI.

Have a look at our web site
(http://ipsi.fhg.de/oasys/projects/ipsi-xq/index_e.html) and download
the latest version.

Any feedback is extremely welcome!

Best regards,
The IPSI-XQ team

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2003 03:34:51 UTC