RE: ambiguity in XQuery grammar

It is indeed an ambiguity, and I've been concerned about it too, though I
think it can be easily resolved by adding some kind of "greedy parsing" rule
akin to the "greedy tokenizing" rule.
Michael Kay

-----Original Message-----
From: Damien Fisher [] 
Sent: 30 May 2002 07:40
Subject: ambiguity in XQuery grammar

There appears to be an ambiguity in the current draft specification's
grammar, which I was hoping someone could resolve for me.
1 instance of xs:integer+ +1
Is this equivalent to:

(1 instance of xs:integer+) +1
(1 instance of xs:integer) + (+1)
I would suggest changing the syntax for InstanceOfExpr so parentheses are
put around the SequenceType.

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 14:24:10 UTC