- From: Claudio Hessel Peixoto Gomes <chpg@inf.ufrgs.br>
- Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 14:55:39 -0300
- To: <www-ql@w3c.org>
Received on Friday, 6 July 2001 13:55:38 UTC
I declared the function: define function tInterval($param) returns result { for $var1 in document("tvm-4.xml")//TemporalObjects/Object return <result oid={$var1/@oid}> { for $var2 in concat("$var1//Attributes/",$param,"/Value") return <tInterval tTimei={$var2/@tTimei} tTimef={$var2/@tTimef}/> } </result> } And call: tInterval(CONCAT_ELEMENT) I want concat a child in expression, like this: "//Attributes/CONCAT_ELEMENT/Value" A function CONCAT can used for this? Other function can? Or no way? CHPGomes.
Received on Friday, 6 July 2001 13:55:38 UTC