ANN: xlinkit open source release

Dear all,

xlinkit is our flagship research technology for checking the consistency
of distributed web content and automatic link generation. Our 
implementation of the xlinkit technology is now available as an open 
source package. xlinkit is "OSI Certified Open Source Software" 
released under the artistic license.

xlinkit uses a language based on first order logic and XPath to relate
the content of distributed documents and provides an evaluation strategy
that hyperlinks inconsistent (and consistent) elements in those

Please visit (especially if you have done so in the past and have not
seen our new rule language):

A paper describing the technology can be found at: 

The evaluation package includes several examples, and all of the
Foundation/Core constraints of the UML expressed in our rule language,
allowing you to check XMI files for consistency.


the xlinkit team

Anthony Finkelstein (Prof.) 	| TEL: +44 (0)20 7679 7293 (Direct Dial)
University College London	| FAX: +44 (0)20 7387 1397
Dept. of Computer Science   	| EMAIL:
Gower Street,                	|
London WC1E 6BT              	| OFFICE: 109, Pearson Building
United Kingdom               	| PGP Key on request

Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2001 11:49:14 UTC