RE: What's implementable in XPath expressions?

Michael Dyck wrote:
> > >
> > > <>, the corresponding point
> > > in the XPath spec, says
> > >
> > >     The / and // operators compose an expression and a relative
> > >     location path. It is an error if the expression does not
> > >     evaluate to a node-set.
> >
> > That's the bigger question then, isn't it: Does [ElementConstructor]
> > evaluate to a node-set, or is it simply there to decorate
> serialized XML?
> Section E.2.2.2 maps an XQuery element constructor to an Algebra element
> value, so yes, it evaluates to a node-set.
> > If it produces node-sets, how do I compose against it?
> Not sure what you mean.

Never mind, I see it. I've just been having some conceptual difficulty
grokking the marriage of an angle-bracket representation of XML with XPath
relative location syntax. Unaccustomed to the mixed notation, I've been
finding the idea of "/<aRoot></aRoot>/someRelPath" difficult to grasp. Once
I translate that into "/aRoot/someRelPath," I'm fine. Just give me some time
to get used to it. :-)


Received on Friday, 27 April 2001 01:54:59 UTC