- From: Howard Katz <howardk@fatdog.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 16:49:08 -0700
- To: <www-ql@w3.org>
What's actually implementable at the head of an XPath expression? I'm trying to figure out what's allowed by the following snippet from the JavaCup grammar: PathExpression := Path | ( SLASH | DOUBLE_SLASH ) Path | BasicExpression OptionalPredicates (SLASH | DOUBLE_SLASH) Path BasicExpression := VAR | Literal | FunctionName L_PAREN OptionalExpressionList R_PAREN | L_PAREN Expression R_PAREN | ElementConstructor | ListConstructor | CastVerb AS ... | DOT Certainly $VarName/somePath and DOT/somePath are going to be commonly seen, but what about the others? What's the meaning of [ElementConstructor]/somePath, for example? Or even [Literal]/somePath? How should I interpret these constructs? Howard
Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2001 19:49:16 UTC