Fwd: [ANN] Open SVG Test Suite launches

QA Interest Group --

Here is a topic that might interest the QA IG -- a proposal [1] for an open 
source, community-built test suite (for SVG).

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2006Jan/0323.html

There is now a home page [2] and email archive [3]:

[2] http://www.svg.org/story/2006/1/18/11045/7257
[3] http://www.svgtest.org/archives/discussion/2006-January/thread.html

Former QA WG members, and those familiar with our guidelines, handbooks, 
FAQs, etc, will notice that many of the questions QA WG wrestled with are 
being kicked around already -- licensing, repository, structure, 
documentation, metadata, access and update procedures, etc.

There are some unique ideas proposed, such as wiki interface for community 
editing of the tests.  In the mail archives, you will find more interesting 
ideas, such as,  "avoid reference images", i.e., reference results, in 
favor of tests that result in a simply grasped pass/fail signal (picture) 
upon execution.


Received on Thursday, 19 January 2006 21:53:48 UTC