Re: QASG last call comments: Modesty requirement

Ian Hickson wrote:

> Because whether they comply is not cut and dry. For example, SVG 1.2 
> claims to comply to AWWW. But IMHO it doesn't.

Since the AWWW document explicitly disclaims having any conformance requirements, it's not a specification.  So that's not a compelling example.

In my opinion, if compliance is not cut and dry, then that's a failure of the specifications.  If specifications frequent fail in this way after adoption of the QA Framework as a Recommendation (if and when that happens), that's a failure of the QA Framework - not specifically the content, since marketing of the Frameork is a separate issue (and probably much more relevant to the success of the Framework).


Received on Friday, 4 February 2005 03:15:29 UTC