Re: lack of testability definition

On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Al Gilman wrote:

> <draft
> class="strawman glossaryEntry notDefinition">
> A <term class="general">test</term> is a repeatable procedure for confirming
> or denying the truth value of a proposition.
> A proposition is <term class="general">testable</term> if there is such a
> procedure that leaves little doubt as to the truth value of the proposition
> after the procedure has been applied.
> </draft>

I think the version that started this threat is a bit more accurate
and positive (which is good for human perception). Rephrasing using
your style:

	A proposition is testable if there is such a procedure that
	assesses the truth value of a proposition with a high enough
	confidence level. Whether the confidence level is measurable
	and what confidence level is high enough depends on the
	proposition and its framework.


Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2003 11:29:16 UTC