CHIPs and chunked requests


One of the most common HTTP implementation problems is handling of
chunked messages, especially requests. Support for chunked transfer
encoding is a MUST-level requirement in RFC 2616. However, most
implementors apparently assume that only responses can be chunked.

As our compliance tests show, the vast majority of HTTP
intermediaries, including very popular ones, fail to proxy chunked
requests correctly. Since many of these intermediaries share HTTP code
with corresponding Web servers (e.g., Apache httpd and Apache
mod_proxy or Jigsaw server and Jigsaw proxy), I suspect the origin
servers are also affected by this problem.

It may be a good idea for CHIPs to remind implementors that both
requests and responses may be chunked.

A related question: are comments similar to the above relevant to this
WG and CHIPs? I am not sure how detailed/specific you want CHIPs to
be. If you do not want more of this kind of comments, please stop me!

Thank you,


                            | HTTP performance - Web Polygraph benchmark | HTTP compliance+ - Co-Advisor test suite
                            | all of the above - PolyBox appliance

Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 19:15:56 UTC