- From: Eric Miller <em@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 12:17:46 -0500
- To: Brian Kelly <b.kelly@ukoln.ac.uk>, "'Olivier Thereaux'" <ot@w3.org>, www-qa@w3.org
- Cc: emiller@w3.org, dom@w3.org
At 11:08 AM 3/7/2002 +0000, Brian Kelly wrote: >Following on from my previous message a colleague informs me that the >W3C QA RSS feed not only contains RSS elements, but also some additional >ones (span, br, etc.). Our RSS application uses the XML-RSS-0.97 parser >from CPAN and it gives the message: > > Malformed RSS: invalid version > at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/XML/Parser/Expat.pm line 462 As not to cross-post lists, the relevant bits are ... [[ ...in my haste for pulling together a prototype [1] I got a bit carried away by the power of Jena [2] and flexibility of viewing RSS 1.0 in terms of RDF :) Indeed after re-reading the spec, and being scolded accordingly on the RDFIG IRC [3] :) I realized indeed that we defined this in terms of #PCDATA and the use of rdf:ParseType="Literal" for indicating #CDATA was not allowed. Sorry for the confusion. I've made the appropriate modification to the transformation [4] and it should be working now. Brian, thanks for bringing this to my attention, but as no good deed goes unpunished :) could you please confirm (or not confirm) that this is indeed working for you? [1] http://www.w3.org/2001/10/glance/view/ [2] http://www.hpl.hp.com/semweb/jena-top.html [3] http://www.w3.org/RDF/Interest/#irc [4] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/html2rss.xsl ]] -- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rss-dev/message/2414 (soon to be online) >This would appear to be a problem with someone's code, and therefore >out-of-scope for the QA group (but you may wish to know if your news This indeed was a problem with someone's (my) code, and as such I think may indeed out-of-scope for this group (not that I couldn't indeed use some QA! :). >feed can't be read!). However I think it does raise an issue concerning >the testing of extensible formats, which presumably should be in scope. Others more qualified than I in this area can respond to this. >I guess Dominique and Eric Miller, W3C might also be interested in this, >so I've copied the message to them. Yes, thanks again for catching this. -- eric miller http://www.w3.org/people/em/ semantic web activity lead mailto:em@w3.org w3c world wide web consortium tel:1.614.763.1100 200 technology square, ne43-350 fax:1.208.330.5213 cambridge, ma 02139 usa
Received on Thursday, 7 March 2002 12:14:12 UTC