- From: Karl Dubost <karl@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 12:45:43 +0200
- To: "Andrew Thackrah" <andrew@opengroup.org>, www-qa@w3.org
At 16:24 +0000 24/04/01, Andrew Thackrah wrote: >How would a QA activity interact with other activities? More and more often. We will increase the relationship between QA and activities. What could be good in fact, is that QA seems to be something transparent and absolutely evident for all people (a dream!). At this stage we have not yet defined a formal process and it's not sure there will be. We're still experimenting. > Would the QA members work in a purely advisory role to other groups > or would the activity have some authority to impose certain standards? QA members work will have to organize, coordinate, help, ... depending on the model chosen by the WG. We will have to produce deliverables, guidelines, etc. plus reviews of specifications. Seduce people, strong diplomacy, convince that it's a benefit for everyone. We will have also to review the charter of new Working Groups to make a formal requirement for QA/TS in the process of a new activity. -- Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager http://www.w3.org/QA/ --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---
Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2001 06:49:15 UTC