- From: Lofton Henderson <lofton@rockynet.com>
- Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 16:20:09 -0600
- To: www-qa-wg@w3.org
- Message-Id: <>
This set of changes will implement the "normative, optional" change, which WG respondents have so far agreed is a good thing to do. This is just one set of changes that would do it, and I'm sure that other QAWG-ers can think of better ways to phrase or present some of the bits. Or clearer explanations. Please feel free to improve upon this. Also, I have probably missed something, somewhere, that needs to be changed. a.) The first change is in Introduction, first few sentences of section 1.5 [1]: [1] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#about [2] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#conformance ==== old text ==== This document is a practical guide to writing a specification, presenting editors with topics to consider. Consequently, much of the document is non-normative recommendations labeled Good Practices. There are however, a limited number of normative requirements, labeled Requirements that must be implemented in order to conform to this document. ==== new text ==== This document is a practical guide to writing a specification, presenting editors with topics to consider. The normative content is contained in a collection of a small number of Requirements [ed: bold], and somewhat more Good Practices [ed: bold]. As explained in this specification's @@conformance clause@@ [ed: link to [2], or a more specific subsection of [2]], the Requirements are necessary for claiming conformance to Specification Guidelines, and the Good Practices are recommendations that will further benefit the quality of a specification. [ed: suggest paragraph break here] b.) Changes to 1.5.1 [3]: [3] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#structure ==== old text ==== The conformance section of this document describes the conformance requirements. A specification editor who wishes to write a specification conformant to Specification Guidelines must ensures it satisfies the conformance requirements in the conformance section of this document. It defines the Requirements as normative and the Good Practices as informative. ==== new text ==== The conformance clause of this document describes the conformance requirements. A specification editor who wishes to write a specification conformant to Specification Guidelines must ensures it satisfies the requirements in the conformance clause of this document. [Ed note: early in 1.5 [1], we talk about "conformance clause" for other specifications. In 1.5.1 [3], we talked about "the @@conformance section@@ of this document". Shouldn't we be consistent and use "conformance clause" in 1.5.1, about SpecGL? Accordingly I changed "section" to "clause" in the above.] c.) Something lost in Requirement 07 [4]? [4] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#consistent-style-principle In the first bullet, "These keywords usually appear with an uppercase formatting." -- as I recall, Dom proposed and everyone agreed to some other wording, along the lines of "...distinctive formatting, such as upper case or bold." This change apparently did not make it into the editors' draft yet. (Sorry, no time to look it up in the email archive right now.) d.) Lower case keywords [2]: [2] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#conformance Here we say, "Occurrences of these words in lowercase have normative implications." In Reqt. 07, first bullet, we suggest that upper case or bold is the usual way to do it. Should we follow that advice? (I prefer bold to upper case, in the style of Process Document.) e.) Changes to "Conformance Criteria" [5]: [5] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#conformance-criteria ==== old text ==== The conformance requirements of this document are denoted as Requirements. All Requirements are written in imperative voice and denote mandatory conformance requirements. In addition to Requirements, the document contains Good Practices. Good Practices are optional and considered recommendations. Their implementation or non-implementation does not affect conformance to this Specification Guidelines document. To conform to this Specification Guidelines, all Requirements must be implemented. ==== new text ==== The conformance requirements of this document found in the Requirements and in the Good Practices. The Requirements are written in the imperative voice and denote mandatory conformance requirements. The are equivalent to the familiar MUST statements in the RFC2119 style. In addition to Requirements, this document contains Good Practices. Good Practices use the same imperative voice, but are optional. They are equivalent to SHOULD or RECOMMENDED statements in the RFC2119 style. Their implementation or non-implementation does not affect conformance to this Specification Guidelines document, but it is recommended to implement as many as possible, as the quality of the specification will benefit. For a specification to be Specification Guidelines conformant [ed: italics, and maybe link to the appropriate bullet above the paragraph?], all Requirements must be implemented. [Ed note. I was unsure if and where to put comparison to the RFC2119 "MUST" and "SHOULD" references. I think it is helpful, but don't feel strongly, and maybe it actually distracts or confuses.] f.) Changes to "Normative parts" [6], 1st sentence: [6] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#normative-parts ==== old text ==== The Conformance section, the Normative References section and the Requirements are the normative parts of this specification. ==== new text ==== The Conformance section, the Normative References section, the Requirements, and the Good Practices are the normative parts of this specification. [Ed note. s/normality/normativity/ in 3rd sentence.] g.) Changes to "Normative parts" [6], first two lines of table: [6] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#normative-parts Change the first two lines of the table to look follows: Requirements Normative, mandatory Good Practice Normative optional [Ed. In case the formatting is lost in this email, I'm proposing that "mandatory" appear under "normative" in the 1st line, and "optional" appear under "normative" in the 2nd line.] h.) Changes to "Normative parts" [6], paragraph after table: [6] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#normative-parts I propose that the paragraph should be deleted. It adds nothing to what has already been said, in prose and in the table. i.) Add definitions of normative and informative from [7]: [7] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-qaframe-spec-20031110/definitions#definitions 18 months ago we had consensus definitions of normative and informative. We did not resolve to change or delete them, but rather they simply disappeared with the big rewrite after the first CR phase. I propose that we should add them back into SpecGL (and the QA Glossary). j.) "Specification Guidelines conformant" in "Conformance claims" [8]? [8] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#specgl-claim In the third bullet of [5], we define the label "Specification Guidelines conformant". We never use it anywhere else (and should, I think). In particular, shouldn't it be somehow worked in to the section on conformance claims (to SpecGL)? That's all for now. Regards, -Lofton. [1] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#about [2] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#conformance [3] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#structure [4] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#consistent-style-principle [5] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#conformance-criteria [6] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#normative-parts [7] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-qaframe-spec-20031110/definitions#definitions [8] http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2005/02/qaframe-spec/#specgl-claim
Received on Sunday, 24 April 2005 22:20:33 UTC