Re: Preliminary agenda: April 4 2005 QA WG teleconf

Partial regrets.  Due to early doctor appt, I will miss the start.  Hope to 
get there by half past the hour.


At 10:01 PM 4/2/2005 -0800, Patrick Curran wrote:

>QAWG telecon participants --
>As planned, we will meet on Monday April 4 2005.
>The principal topic will be a discussion of the Test FAQ. A link to an 
>update document will be circulated tomorrow (I apologize for not 
>circulating this earlier).
>Scribe: Richard Kennedy, Lofton Henderson
>Chair: Patrick
>1.) roll call 11am EDT, membership
>2.) routine business
>    * Dublin F2F
>3.) Test FAQ discussion (lead by Patrick)
>Zakim bridge: +1-617-761-6200
>11:00am-12noon EST.
>code: 7294 ("QAWG")
>IRC, see:

Received on Sunday, 3 April 2005 18:19:23 UTC