Re: Document License prohibits profiles?

At 09:05 AM 11/4/2004 +0100, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux wrote:
>Le jeu 04/11/2004 à 00:18, Lofton Henderson a écrit :
> > Is it legal for an individual or group to write a profile of a Rec which
> > contains the Document License [1]?  That license says:
>FWIW, the right mailing list to ask this question is
>(non publicly archived).

That may be the place to find the answer.  But the question is definitely 
relevant here, to our work.  We are investing a lot of energy into the 
topics areound "subdividing the specification".  Our ViS (supporting 
SpecGL) even recommends rules for profiles to support "derived profiles", 
e.g., by external groups.

I will ask the question.  But I think QAWG should be prepared to take a 


Received on Thursday, 4 November 2004 14:50:05 UTC