List of all AIs from F2F meeting, for review

Tues am

AI-20040615-1  For QA Handbook, each WG member will review a section for 
clarity of content, typos, etc. (Intro and Roadmap  Lynne, Early 
planning and commitment  Mark, Day to Day  Patrick, Licensing and 
Branding  Dom, Acquiring Test Materials  Karl.)  by June 30.
AI-20040615-2  LH will make list of needed examples, put anchors in and 
solicit examples from Chairs and IG, for QA Handbook by June 18.
AI-20040615-3 DH will put TestGL into Wiki by June 25.

Tues pm

AI-20040615-11 LR to align the terms between SpecGL CR, SpecLite and the 
Central glossary by 2004-06-25
AI-20040615-12 KD to turn "too authoritarian and fierce" bullet in a 
positive way by 2004-06-16
AI-20040615-13 DHM to create a wiki topic on the qualities of a good 
test case (or a topic for each of the concept listed on the paragraph)
AI-20040615-14 DHM to fix QAH with regard to usage of "staff"
AI-20040615-15 LH to look at the "quality *" in QAH in details by 2004-07-16

Wed am

AI-20040616-1 LH to arrange for fortnightly telecons.  Due June 28

Wed pm

AI-20040616-2 DH to email Bjoern to check that we understand him 
correctly. Due June 30
AI-20040616-3 KD to rewrite principles and good practices from section 
D3 and D4, using shorter sentences. Due June 25.
AI-20040616-3 LR to respond to Jeremy Carroll, addressing his commen

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2004 12:12:01 UTC