Example for C1 GP2

An example for GP 2 under section C1 "Re-use existing terms, and don't
redefine them"
http://www.w3.org/QA/Group/2004/07/WD-qaframe-spec/#reuse-terms-gp :

* WCAG 2.0 quotes verbatim a definition from the DI Glossary at
* UAAG 1.0 refers to the definition of attribute in the XML 1.0
        This document uses the term "attribute" in the XML sense: an
        element may have a set of attribute specifications (refer to the
        XML 1.0 specification [XML] section 3).
and to the definition of a VoiceBrowser in the VoiceBrowser submission
Voice browser
        From "Introduction and Overview of W3C Speech Interface
        Framework" [VOICEBROWSER]: "A voice browser is a device
        (hardware and software) that interprets voice markup languages
        to generate voice output, interpret voice input, and possibly
        accept and produce other modalities of input and output."

(I don't think these should be put as is in SpecLite; I'm quoting these
here for sake of general readability, but simply having links from the
examples section to those should be enough).

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux - http://www.w3.org/People/Dom/

Received on Monday, 16 August 2004 17:02:59 UTC