Re: draft minutes for 23rd Oct PM


Update on this...

At 09:02 AM 10/24/03 -0600, Lofton Henderson wrote:

>Resolved (unanimous) about TCDL:  QAWG would like David to:  clarify IPR 
>about his contribution;
>finish the incomplete parts as soon as practical.  At that point, QAWG 
>wants to
>publish it as a Working Group Note.  Hopefully before the December holidays.

1.) David is still working on getting clarification of IBM's IP intentions 
about TCDL.  So far, there is no reason to expect any problems.

2.) It is unclear whether IBM prefers to have QAWG publish this as a WG 
Note as it resolved (David as principal author), or whether they prefer to 
publish and process it initially in some other way.  (Submission to W3C, 
journal article somewhere, etc)

Both bits are under review and discussion at IBM.  Stay tuned.


Received on Tuesday, 28 October 2003 18:28:27 UTC