Question about proposed CP8.4 [resend]

[A comment for 8.4 discussion for Monday...]

About the proposed rewrite of CP8.4:

Previously, it was about "discretionary choices", and purposely -- we had 
particular "choice" scenarios in mind.  Now it is about "discretionary 
items" (choices, plus optionality, plus impl-dependent behaviors).  This 
seems to go a bit beyond clarification.  The change is not mentioned in the 
A-F rationales before the draft new text.

Is this intentional, or a slip?

(Ed note to SpecGL editors:  I think I pointed out that 'items' is 
erroneously used in ConfReq of 8.3, while the CP is about 'choices'.)


Received on Saturday, 3 May 2003 13:14:29 UTC