- From: Mark Skall <skall@nist.gov>
- Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 10:23:24 -0500
- To: www-qa-wg@w3.org
- Message-Id: <>
FYI. >Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 11:25:37 -0500 >To: ot@w3.org >From: Mark skall <skall@nist.gov> >Subject: Minutes for March 6 (afternoon) >Cc: skall@nist.gov > >QA F2F Boston Meeting >Thursday, 06-March-2003 >-- >Scribe: Mark Skall > >Attendees: > >(KD) Karl Dubost (W3C, WG co-chair) >(PF) Peter Fawcett (RealNetworks) >(PC) Patrick Curran (Sun) >(DH) Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (W3C) >(LH) Lofton Henderson (CGMO - WG co-chair) >(SM) Sandra Martinez (NIST) >(LR) Lynne Rosenthal (NIST - IG co-chair) >(MS) Mark Skall (NIST) >(OT) Olivier Thereaux (W3C) >(DD) Daniel Dardellier (W3C) >(DM) David Marston (IBM/Lotus) > >Regrets: > >(dd) Dimitris Dimitriadis (Ontologicon) >(KG) Kirill Gavrylyuk (Microsoft) > >Absent: > >(AT) Andrew Thackrah (Open Group) > >Guests: > >(JR) Joseph Reagle (W3C) >(SL) Susan Lesch (W3C) > >Summary of New Action Items: > >AI-20030306-1 LH will send contact info on Kirill to JR so he can contact >him (3/7/03). > >AI-20030306-2 PF and PC will improve wording of Section 3.1 of the Process >document and come up with specifics and measurable items (3/14/03). > >AI-20030306-3 MS will define what an issue is (3/28/03). > > >Agenda: http://www.w3.org/QA/2003/03/f2f > >Minutes: > >(LR) Wrote up discussions on test materials on “A week in QA” for February. > >Test Materials Licensing Issues > >Introductions were made. > >(JR) There may be confusion with respect to fair use. JR will develop a >document with all the issues will then send to Chairs for >feedback. Next, the document will be sent to W3CM and MIT >legal. Anything in JR’s present document that’s not representative of the >issues? > >WG agrees that the present document accurately reflects concerns. > >(PC) Is the document a statement of requirements? PC will develop >statement of requirements for Sun. Can JR speak directly to Sun’s lawyers? > >(DH) We will waive the rule that the document must be delivered one week >in advance. > >QA WG Process Document > >Susan Lesch introduced herself. > >(LH) Five active issues that are WG process issues. > >(DH) What are goals of document? How do we know if we’re finished? > >(LH) We should try to finish this today. We will go through the document >and decide what we want to do with it and give action to the editor. > >(LH) First issue is invited experts. How formal should this process >be? WG Resolution: There should be no formal voting to allow others to >participate. > >(DH) They should be invited at the discretion of the chair. > >(LH) Agreed. > >(DH) W3 process already has something in place for invited experts. > >(LR) Some invited experts don’t want to be official members so that they >don’t have to conform to all the rules. > >(MS) Why is this relevant if the W3C process document already addresses this? > >(LH) We need “topic experts” who are not invited experts. > >(PF) W3C process document does not allow non-invited experts or >non-members to participate. > >(OT) Topic experts can be invited on a case by case basis. > >(DD) Not a burden to be a member or an invited expert. > >(LH) There may be other reasons for someone to participate on the WG not >as an invited expert. > >(KD) If the public can’t have access to documents why should a topic expert? > >(MS) We have a process. Let’s not obviate it. It’s not fair to everyone >else. > >(OT) It should apply to the W3C team too. > >(SM) Process document relates more to test materials. First part of >document is talking about charter do we want this? > >(PF) Section 1 is a clarification of specific issues that are >under-specified, like defining a quorum, minutes, etc. > >(LH) Everything in the first part is not redundant. > >(PF) We could have defined this in our charter, but didn’t. > >(LR) Section 1 doesn’t have to be part of a process document can put it >off logistics/group page. > >(DH) Agree with Lynne about separating the first part. > >(LH) Let’s talk about packaging later. Don’t write a rule for the odd case. > >(MS) Process document should document the process. Let’s not have >everything in different places. > >Proposal is to remove Section 1 (invited experts, topic experts, etc.) > >(PF) Don’t know if we need Section 3.1. > >(MS) Don’t need 3.1 because there are no measurable terms. > >(LH) 3.1 is useful. > >(PC) 3.1 is useful but we need measurable words. We need to list the >actions and a standard way the actions are processed. > >(DH) We need a deadline when sending notices. > >(LH) Section 4 When an action item is completed, put AI title number and >e-mail to action item editor (Olivier) and cc to WG. > >(MS) Minutes template or logistics part should be linked to from the >process document. > >(MS) Issues should only be things that affect our work and the processes >of our documents. > >(OT) All issues should be documented and easy to find. > >Section 5.2 LR questions need for this section. > >(LH) Someone needs to decide who makes the decision as to what is an issue. > >(OT) If anyone thinks it’s an issue, it should be. > >(MS) Disagree. > >(DH) Issue owner should be designated by WG for class of questions. Issue >owner drafts issue and includes in issue log. > >(LR) Document editor should makes the decision on whether it’s an issue >and be issue owner. > >(LH) Chair will route issues without obvious owner to whoever is working >in the area to make decisions on what is an issue. > >(MS) Issues should include alternatives. > >(DH) Allow one week for alternatives. > >(MS) Alternatives are a test to see if an issue is well developed. > >(LR) Issue owner shouldn’t be one to develop alternatives. > >(DH) Do not process issues for which we have no proposals. > >(MS) We need alternatives to be able to discuss issues correctly. > >Section 5.3 > >Issues discussion should take place on IG list. > >(MS) Discussion of issues on IG list is counter-productive. > >(DH) Depends on what you want debate v. moving forward. > >(MS) We have a diverse set of opinions on WG. > >(LH) IG list generates new comments. > >(MS) Yes, however we need to stop adding new comments at some point and >resolve issues in order to make progress. > >(LR) Comments on IG creates outreach. > >(DH) When dealing with specific issues, IG list is good. Starts on IG >list, finishes on WG list. It’s a subjective decision as to when this >happens. If interesting discussion may result, send to IG list. > >
Received on Monday, 10 March 2003 10:31:17 UTC