Re: New teleconference schedule

At 02:25 PM 10/16/02 -0400, Mark Skall wrote:
>I think we need to make decisions and stick to them.  We decided to have 
>one hour telcons, but reserve an hour and a half. [...] We had that 
>discussion at the F2F and came to a decision (at least I thought we did).

Mark, the whole reason that we are arguing about this is that our memories 
and/or understandings of that decision differ.  Perhaps it is only me, 
perhaps others also didn't appreciate a key aspect, as related today.  As I 
said, I wouldn't have voted "yes".

Be that as it may, see next mail from me, to resolve the dispute.

A couple other comments...

>[...] I, for one, do not find the telcons to be all that productive

You mean, aside from Eudora ;-)

Seriously though, I would like to give you a call (phone) for some 
constructive discussion off-line -- too tedious by email -- of how to 
improve meeting efficiency.  We did some of this at Tokyo, but there are 
still some un-addressed bits.

>increasing their time frequency to 3 hours every 2 weeks

That is not what I envision.  See next message.

>[...]  Let's not schedule time for things we MAY need.

It's not a matter of scheduling the time pre-emptively.  It is a matter of 
not being trapped on those occasions where we really need it.

Part 2 will follow shortly.


Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2002 17:22:24 UTC