Re: Proposed 6/27 (Thurs) telcon agenda

I looked at the assignments matrix [2] and I don't think it reflects what 
we decided at Montreal and what's cited in the minutes.

 From the minutes: "It was agreed that the best way to get this 
accomplished is for each wg member do a case study, then an enumeration of 
techniques that satisfy the checkpoints, for one of our documents (rather 
than case studies for three documents)."

In other words we decided NOT to do case studies for all three documents, 
but to only do case studies for one document, but in addition, to do an 
enumeration of techniques that satisfy the checkpoints for that document.

If you recall, the intent was to be able to deliver Examples and Techniques 
documents that reflect the correct way to adhere to the guidelines rather 
than examples of how it has been done.

Right now the matrix says "each member of the QA Working Group has to 
review a working group using the QA Ops Guidelines, a specification using 
the QA Spec Guidelines (once it's ready for real use), and a test suite 
using the (to be published) QA Tests Guidelines."

Thus, 1) it doesn't mention the enumeration of techniques exercise and 2) 
it still refers to three guidelines, rather than one.


At 03:53 PM 6/25/02 -0600, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>QAWG participants --
>Please reply (to list) with "regrets", if you know that you can't make the 
>2002-06-27 telcon.
>*NOTE*  This telcon is at old time of 2:30pm EDT Thursday, and is the last 
>one at that time before we switch to new time (on 10th July) of 10am EDT 
>The main agenda topics focus around advancing SpecGuide as soon as 
>possible to a new version for renewed IG discussion.
>Please comment on this proposed agenda...
>1.) Roll call, membership topics.
>2.) Any logistical topics
>         - weekinqa when quiet?
>3.) Future meetings
>         - Tokyo:  news?  attendees?
>         - January [1]
>4.) Review assignments matrix [2]
>         - choose and volunteer by date [...]
>         - need 2-3 SpecGuide reviewers (KD)
>5.) Proposal to slightly revise Frm schedule (LH)
>         - publish (2ndPWD) SpecGuide *only* in August.
>         - post WG versions all other parts then, as planned
>6.) Spec Guide reorganization [3]
>         - Ch.1 and esp. sec 1.5.
>         - GL.5 (flavors -> policy) rewrite
>         - GL.3, GL.4, GL.7 (profiles, modules, levels)
>7.) Issues processing:  Esp Spec-Guide issues. [5]
>         - priority/processing order will be emailed later
>8.) Next telcons:
>         - 10th July, regular bi-weekly, 10am EDT *Wednesday*.
>         - (special -- Tech GL -- for 17th July?)
>9.) Adjourn
>>Day(s):  Thursday
>>Date(s):  27 June 2002
>>Time: 2-3:30 EDT
>>Number of Participants:  15
>>NAME of Teleconference:  QAWG
>Zakim bridge:  +1-617-761-6200
>Conference code : 7294 ("QAWG")

Mark Skall
Chief, Software Diagnostics and Conformance Testing Division
Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8970

Voice: 301-975-3262
Fax:   301-590-9174

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 18:20:28 UTC