Re: Clarification on spec categories [was: Where "Rules for Profiles" fit into Spec Guidelines]

QAWG -- other opinions solicited...

I initially agreed with Dave's suggestion, but have re-thought it.

I'm concerned that we not tie the (probably unreviewed) table to a WD which 
does now have QAWG consensus for publication.  I said "unreviewed", because 
there were no replies to Dom's original circulation -- unless everyone 
agreed 100%!  For this reason, I'm a bit nervous that we link it from the 
published WD, despite Dom's disclaimer at the start.


0.) As Dave suggested.

1.) SpecExtech:  put it there, and put a note in SpecGL with a forward 
reference to (future) Extech .

2.) Dom submit it to IG list for discussion after SpecGL publication (it 
would be a good conversation starter!).

3.) SpecGL:  put a note in GL2, noting the existence of an an individual 
contribution/exercise, pointing to Dom's archived email message (which 
links to the table); maybe also strengthen disclaimer at start of Dom's 

4.) 1+2

5.) 2+3

At 01:04 PM 8/21/02 -0400, David Marston/Cambridge/IBM wrote:
> >Here is an attempt of creating such a table:
> >
>How about putting an editorial note under Guideline 2 for this edition
>of SpecGL? It would not imply a commitment to maintain such a table or
>to point to it from later drafts of SpecGL.
>.................David Marston

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2002 17:17:13 UTC