SpecGL issues/highlights for telecon (amended)

QAWG participants --

(Amended:  re-order issues; add "atomicity"; postpone "spec-tech")

The new editor draft of SpecGL and checklist are posted.

Reference document(s):
(Ignore messed up header in latter -- table is correct.)

This will be the main topic for the Wednesday (11-aug) telecon.  Lots of 
changes -- please have a careful look before the telecon.

We want to spend most of the time on Checkpoint priorities review.  In 
dealing with checkpoint priorities,

** We will discuss change requests first.
** So, look at the priorities, email change requests.
** Then we will go consecutively through as many of the remainders as time 

There are also some other specific issues.  We will dispose of these as 
fast as possible (less than 1/2 hour), or else postpone them until after 

So I propose we proceed like this:

1.) Specific priority change requests.
2.) Other specific issues below.
3.) All other checkpoint priorities, as time permits.

Specific issues:

-- Minimally have a look at all "@@" flags.

-- Look at SoTD
	* does it satisfy 7-aug decisions?
	* which issues should we flag for publication?

-- issues in CK1.1 and CK1.2

-- rules for profiles as a CoP (Class of Product): GL2, CK2.3, CK3.6

-- atomicity of modules, GL4 (see choices 0,1,2,3 in following...)

-- GL8 discretionary
	* new bullet list (choice, options, impl-dep)
	* new implementation-dependent checkpoint?

-- negative disclaimers in DoV, relative to CK10.1/10.2

-- CK9.5, register extensions
	* (criticized in QAWG project review)


Dom will draft text, which will be integrated into 8/29 editor draft...

-- Dominique's "specification" vs. "technology" issue
(see "@@spec-tech" in editor draft)


Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 17:45:37 UTC