Re: Organisational Reminder

There is a problem about switching a thread from one list to another, that 
I dislike a lot.  If something starts on www-qa-wg, and it is switched to 
www-qa, then the thread is broken on the original archive.  It simply 
stops, as if the thread died.

Even if you know that it continues on the other archive, you can't use the 
"next in thread" button.  It is pretty inconvenient.

Comments or suggestions?


At 09:18 AM 8/7/2002 -0400, Karl Dubost wrote:

>I would like to remind few principles.
>- Every issues raised on www-qa-wg MUST be discussed on www-qa
>- Do not hit Reply and Send.
>- How to do:
>         1. Reply on
>         2. Gives the references to the message
>         by using msg-id (not recommended, only if you are offline and 
> can't do another way.)
>         or web archive reference (preferred)
>         3. start your discussion.
>- If the topic is slighty different from the subject, modify it.
>Thank you.
>Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager
>      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2002 16:08:33 UTC