[Fwd: Collections]
[Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-mhtml-rel-v2-00.txt]
[Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-rfced-exp-rupp-03.txt]
[Fwd: Software Distribution]
[www-push] <none>
Comparison of DIFF algorithms
Doug DeFrees/Almaden/IBM is out of the office.
DRP slides
DRP working groups
FWD: FYI: Distribution and Replication Protocol
Global tags [was: HTTP Protocol Extentions]
HTTP Protocol Extentions
HTTP/1.1 suggestions?
IMPORTANT: W3C Push Workshop: Monday Dinner
Mapping versions to URLs
Mark Handley's slides ...
my slides
New abstract: Webcanal: Multicast Based Push
New W3C Notes on Push Protocol by Marimba et. al.
Profile of ISO 8601 Date and Time Formats now available on W3C Web site
purpose of this mailing list
slides from the CDF presentation
Speaker slides
web-dav collections
Welcome to www-push [Please ignore]
Last message date: Monday, 29 September 1997 10:49:58 UTC