- From: <mbox@ziplink.net> <mbox@ziplink.net>
- Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 07:13:12 +0000
- To: mbox@mail.ziplink.net
___________________________________ <THE MAILBOX NEWS> Wed23Apr97 ___________________________________ BREAKING Daring raid by Peru military frees hostages. 14 Rebels, 1 hostage die. Some may have been warned. Russia welcomes President of China on red carpet. Fire started by cigarette destroys tobacco CEO's home. Whitewater grand jury extended for 6 months. ------- ONGOING ------- ALBANIA: Schools opening delayed due to safety issues. ZAIRE: Rebels and villagers loot UN food depots. Refugees and aid workers attacked. ----- CYBER ----- Dell Computer settles suits in several states re false advertizing and used parts. Some analysts worry about criminals finding way to counterfeit 'smart' cash cards. PC MTV? New enhanced compact disk (ECD) sends music through the audio drive of a CD player, while text and graphics can be seen on tv screen. ------ HEALTH ------ Find cigarette smokers as likely to gain weight as lose. ---------- STUDY/POLL ---------- Find Earth 10% greener since 1980. Link to global warming suggested. ------------------ BUSINESS ------------------ Dow up whopping 2.6% in one day. 2nd-largest gain ever. Wider AMEX down 1.1%, however. World markets year-to-date: Belgium up 15% Malaysia down 10% Brazil up 28% Mexico up 12% Denmark up 12% Netherlands up 14% Finland up 13% Philippines down 12% Germany up 16% Switzerland up 19% ----- SPACE ----- NASA says Mir Space Station back to normal. Hale-Bopp: Those with telescopes can see new plumes in tail. ------- WEATHER ------- Cologne: partly cloudy, 33°- 51° Hamburg: partly cloudy, 31° - 49° Frankfurt: partly cloudy, 29° - 49° ------------- TODAY'S QUOTE ------------- "Maybe the butler did it." Senator Faircloth of Whitewater documents found in White House. ================================= CLASSIFIED ADS ================================= White Metal Detectors, authorized dealer. For free catalog e> Vince at 10% discount. <vdj242s@nic.smusu.edu> ---------------------------------- THE E-MAIL CLUB is the premier on- line community. Members in more than 40 countries. For FREE info: <emailclub@pobox.com> ---------------------------------- Network Marketing Tip of the Day Free One-Week Trial Subscription No hype, no ads, just great tips. <gear@primenet.com> ---------------------------------- MBOX SOFTWARE SHOPPER> Tell us what you want, we'll find it and zip it to you at the lowest price anywhere. <mbox@ziplink.net> ---------------------------------- Out From Under! Pocket encylopedia of strategies for quitting smoking, weightloss, etc. $8.99 includes post. & hdl. <mbox@ziplink.net> ---------------------------------- Free classified ads next week. E> us yours!<mbox@ziplink.net> ---------------------------------- Need a limo in NY? Corporate accounts,airport service. <limoserv@aol.com> 1-800-276-3494 __________________________________ Publisher: Dan Mahony, M.Phil. <dmahony@ziplink.net> c1997 free of charge
Received on Monday, 28 April 1997 04:53:59 UTC