Problem with option AllwaysWelcome

Hi !

When I execute the binary httpd in verbose mode, I receive an ERROR
in log for the option AllwaysWelcome

			       * *
My file "httpd.conf" is :

	ServerRoot              /usr/local/www/server_root
	HostName                www.limeil.s
	Port                    80
	PidFile                 httpd-pid
	GroupId                 www
	IdentityCheck           off
	Welcome                 index.html
	AllwaysWelcome          On
	AccessLog       logs/httpd-log
	ErrorLog        logs/httpd-errors
	LogFormat       Common
	LogTime         LocalTime

	Map     /images/*               /htbin/htimage/*
	Exec    /htbin/*        /usr/local/www/bin/cgi-bin/*

	Pass    /*      /serveur1/bibliotheque/WWW/*

			       * *

And I collect this messages:

/usr/local/www/bin/httpd -v -r /usr/local/www/server_root/config/httpd.conf

	............ This is CERN-HTTPD, version 3.0, using libwww version 2.17
	ServerRoot.. /usr/local/www/server_root
	HostName.... is "www.limeil.s"
	Port........ 80
	PidFile..... httpd-pid
	Default..... group id www
	IdentCheck.. Off
	Welcome pages are called "index.html"
---->	ERROR....... [15/Mar/1995:11:35:42 -0100] Bad configuration directive: AllwaysWelcome          On

	AccessLog... logs/httpd-log
	ErrorLog.... logs/httpd-errors
	Map......... "/images/*" --> "/htbin/htimage/*"
	Exec........ "/htbin/*" --> "/usr/local/www/bin/cgi-bin/*"
	Pass........ "/*" --> "/serveur1/bibliotheque/WWW/*"


If someone can me help to solve my problem ?

	Roger BREL		(

Received on Wednesday, 15 March 1995 00:59:20 UTC