Royalty-Free Patent Policy

As a software developer and user I would be concerned if the apparent
restrictions in Item 3 of Section 3 ("W3C Royalty-Free (RF) Licensing
Requirements") in this proposal were to become part of the final W3C
recommendation. My objections match closely the position taken by the Free
Software Foundation in relation to the same clause.

Although these restrictions (outlined by FSF here: are arguably outside the
WWW and thus beyond the remit of the W3C I believe that to take such a
stance would be against most of the principles on which the internet and
W3C is founded. I would therefore greatly appreciate a review of this
clause to alleviate any direct or indirect restrictions placed on software
whose purpose may not solely be for use on, or via the WWW.

If someone did read this I appreciate the time you have taken and I thank
you for considering my views,

Mr. A.J. Stewart

Received on Friday, 3 January 2003 18:18:24 UTC