Partially royalty-free patents

  I see on that you are seeking comments on the W3C's new patent
policy.  While the W3C's requirement that patents be licensed
royalty-free is commendable, there is a small but significant problem:
Under the current policy, standards may include patented technology
which is licensed royalty-free only within the "field of use" of web
browser technology.
  Unfortunately, both of the web browsers I use (Mozilla and Galeon) are
distributed to me under the GNU General Public License, which forbids
the inclusion of patented technology unless said technology is
unconditionally royalty-free; neither could legally implement a W3C
standard which would forbid the distribution of parts of their source
code for inclusion in unrelated software.  Therefore, I urge you to
adopt a patent policy which forbids the adoption of patent-encumbered
standards unless the patents are licensed for unconditional royalty-free
  Thank you for your time and attention.
Andrew Moise <>

Received on Friday, 3 January 2003 16:03:35 UTC