Re: Objection to the Proposed W3 Consortium "Royalty-Free" Patent Policy

As the deadline approaches, I think it needs to be said, if it hasn't 
already, that there is a fuzzy line between the term, RAND, and the 
phrase, "field of use".  In my mind, at least, one reasonable and 
non-discriminatory term placed on a standard might easily be one that 
restricts the "field of use".  I don't think that RAND necessarily needs 
to be limited to monetary considerations in the form of promises not to 
charge a royalty, although my impression was that this use of the term 
was most familiar to the "audience".

With that in mind, then, I think it would be most appropriate for the spokesperson[s] to clarify what the distinction is between the 
previous RAND fiasco, and this "field of use" attempt.  Any explanation 
that could be offered to reassure the general world community that the is not controlled, and even dictated to, by corporate interests 
is appreciated.
Tom Poe
Open Studios
Reno, Nv
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Received on Thursday, 26 December 2002 23:04:56 UTC