Patent Policy Comment

In response to the Last Call on the Royalty Free Patent Policy, the Japanese
Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities has reviewed and
fully supports this important development.

Royalty Free recommendations are vital in ensuring an open and level playing
field for users and developers throughtout the world. Standards that can be
implemented broadly, without licensing fees, allow the smallest organization
in a developing country to provide W3C Recommendation-based solutions to
their constituents, without fear of violating IP laws or transferring
limited funds to a licensing agency far-removed from the physical and
economic realities of those whose lives are changed through the availability
of information and services through the web.

We commend the PPWG members for their hard work and commitment to ensuring
that W3C can truly lead the web to its full potential.

Hiroshi Kawamura
Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD)

Received on Monday, 23 December 2002 13:47:18 UTC