IP Policy comments from the DAISY Consortium

Dear W3C IP Policy WG,

Concerning the last call period, which closes December 31, 2002:

The DAISY Consortium agrees with the development of recommendations that
can be implemented on a royalty free basis. We appreciate the difficult
work this WG is doing in this area. This policy  is much needed in the
standards world. The DAISY Consortium will promote this policy in many
sectors and with other standards bodies with whom we work.


George Kerscher, Senior Officer, Accessible Information
Recording For the Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D)
Project Manager to the DAISY Consortium
Chair Open eBook Forum (OeBF)
Co-chair WAI Steering Counsel
Email: kerscher@montana.com
Phone: +1 406/549-4687

Received on Saturday, 21 December 2002 14:33:40 UTC