Summary of 2 December 2002 Patent Policy Working Group Teleconference


    Fifteen people attended the 2 December 2002 Patent Policy Working
    Group (PPWG) teleconference. First the group reviewed their
    presentation to the W3C Advisory Committee Meeting on 19 November.
    Input from the AC suggested that Requirements Documents may not be
    complete and stable. A PPWG participant will work on strengthening
    the proposed policy text on Requirements Documents and report back
    to the group. The group talked about the PPWG's future, and seemed
    to reach agreement that it was too soon to predict. The Chair will
    work with the Advisory Board on dependencies with the W3C Process
    Document [1]. There was a brief discussion of notices that mail
    servers sometimes append to email. The group will investigate,
    potentially in conjunction with the Advisory Board, the effect
    these notices might have on the W3C process.


Best wishes,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Friday, 6 December 2002 23:50:08 UTC