Re: Help with the definition of the <ACCESS> element and it's use of

As long as you explain the access method in your human-readable policy 
it is not essential that the access method be an online method.


On Thursday, April 10, 2003, at 05:33  PM, Catton, Jeff wrote:

> Oh the murky water…
> According to the definition of <ACCESS> 
>          TheACCESSelement indicates whether the site provides access 
> to various kinds of information.
> Does the above definition of “site” mean the web site or the site 
> owner?
> Here is why I am asking, we do not have login functionality on the web 
> site, and we do provide our users access to their information from a 
> local branch office or over the phone.
> Since do provide various methods (as stated in out Human Readable 
> Policy and/or web site), is it valid to say that we provide the user 
> access to their information entered on our site?
> <all/>
> All Identified Data: access is given to all identified data.
> <contact-and-other/>
> Identified Contact Information and Other Identified Data: access is 
> given to identified online and physical contact information as well as 
> to certain other identified data.
> <ident-contact/>
> Identifiable Contact Information: access is given to identified online 
> and physical contact information (e.g., users can access things such 
> as a postal address).
> <other-ident/>
> Other Identified Data: access is given to certain other identified 
> data (e.g., users can access things such as their online account 
> charges).
> <none/>
> None: no access to identified data is given.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Jeffery R. Catton
> CitiFinancial

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 18:05:10 UTC