Help with the definition of the <ACCESS> element and it's use of

Oh the murky water...
According to the definition of <ACCESS>
<> ;
          The ACCESS element indicates whether the site provides access to
various kinds of information.
Does the above definition of "site" mean the web site or the site owner?
Here is why I am asking, we do not have login functionality on the web site,
and we do provide our users access to their information from a local branch
office or over the phone.
Since do provide various methods (as stated in out Human Readable Policy
and/or web site), is it valid to say that we provide the user access to
their information entered on our site?
All Identified Data: access is given to all identified data. 
Identified Contact Information and Other Identified Data: access is given to
identified online and physical contact information as well as to certain
other identified data. 
Identifiable Contact Information: access is given to identified online and
physical contact information (e.g., users can access things such as a postal
Other Identified Data: access is given to certain other identified data
(e.g., users can access things such as their online account charges). 
None: no access to identified data is given.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Jeffery R. Catton

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 17:36:06 UTC