Re: P3P and the privacy legislation in Germany:

Thank you for the explainations Rüdiger!

At 18:41 8/8/2000 +0200, Ruediger Grimm wrote:
 >>o P3P doesn't not provide the authentication of the policy or the
 >>The appropriate English translated text of TDDSG states, "(7) Consent can 
 >>also be declared electronically if the provider ensures that such consent 
 >>can be given only through an unambiguous and deliberate act by the user, 
 >>consent cannot be modified without detection, the creator can be
 >The point is not to associate PERSONAL DATA with an electronic 
 >signature (in order to make them authentic): there is no requirement 
 >to sign personal data. 
 >Our point is to associate a user CONSENT or a server POLICY 
 >with an electronic signature in order to make it authentic. If the consent 
 >is to be signed by a person who wants to remain unidentified, the 
 >person would use a persona signature (a "pseudonym" as the related 
 >acts on data protection and signature call it). 

So the text above, "the creator can be identified" refers to the service,
and not the user? Regardless, even a requirement for pseudonymous signatures
seems aggresive. P3P can certainly employ the functionality of XML Signature
[1], however the TDDSG then seems to presume a massively deployed and usable
signature and key infrastructure. I don't think this is likely any time
soon. (Even if I was peronally given the ability to use a key to sign
contracts or purchase orders on-line today, as a user, I would refuse it
because of other consumer protection concerns.) Regardless, P3P+XMLSignature
is technically capable of meeting this requirement.


 >>o How is the "description material for an automatic interpretation ... 
 >Just two examples: the purpose element should contain "billing" and 
 >"delivery of hard goods" in order to satsify two other important 
 >application areas. However, the problem of automatic interpretation 
 >will remain, until experience has identified those purposes which 
 >cover most real cases. 

 >>o Can you cite text that requires the category to be associated with 
 >>purpose? Would this not make the matrix of possible categories/purposes
 >>enumerated overwhelming? The purpose of the P3P vocabulary design is to
 >>as expressive as possible while limiting the variables and their range
 >Does this question refer to our critique that recipients of data should be 
 >associated with the PURPOSE of data procession, and not with the 
 >type of privacy practice of the recipient? 


 >If so: the German act does require this association because there should 
 >never be an indirection with the reason for data procession (or storage) 
 >of this type: 
 >"we have stored your personal data because our privacy statement is 
 >similar to the privacy statement of another organisation which has stored 
 >the data with your explicit consent": this would open an endless route of 
 >data transfer out of control of the user. 

I still don't follow. Is your bad case the following: if a site A says they
give the data to sites that have similar practices (such as those that don't
use it for marketing) including site B. Site B has similar practices (no
marketing, etc.) also gives it to site C? This could go on for a while. But
the goal is to provide the use with the assurance that if they don't want
marketing, they won't get marketing, and to give them a sense of the scope
of distribution, not a complete audit trail (which I think is infeasible).
What is the alternative and how does it prevent this scenario?

Joseph Reagle     E0 D5 B2 05 B6 12 DA 65  BE 4D E3 C1 6A 66 25 4E
MIT LCS Research Engineer at the World Wide Web Consortium.

* This email is from an independent academic account and is 
not necessarily representative of my affiliations.

Received on Friday, 18 August 2000 17:23:31 UTC