Re: P3P and Semantic Web

Dear Assadarat, 

P3P was initially thought of as a very early application of the Semantic Web. 
But it was probably too early, so the group has decided to go for an XML 
serialization that was felt to be more understandable to non-techies. 

To allow for an easy transformation (because we had that already in mind), we 
made the P3P RDF Schema. 

In the meantime, the world has moved on and keeps coming back to P3P. I would 
say that the RDF schema of 2004 is overly complex from my point of view of 
today. If you would like to participate in simplifying please let us know. 

Note that W3C wasn't inactive in the meantime. We participated in several 
research projects that were heavily based on P3P and its assumptions: 

The PRIME project:

We concluded that there is more to do and created PLING
which also accompanied the new research project PrimeLife:

While the PRIME project based nearly all its research on RDF and triples, 
PrimeLife was rather oriented towards concrete business needs of today and 
thus was expressing things rather in XACML. We organized a Workshop for that: 

Workshop on Access Control Application Scenarios

We then continued to think about how to control data that flows around in 
services and organized a subsequent workshop:
Workshop on Privacy and data usage control

I think with this, you can find your way to the state of the art of policy 
languages at this point in time. 


Rigo Wenning
W3C Privacy Activity Lead

On Tuesday 15 March 2011 13:52:05 Assadarat Khurat wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am interested in the work on P3P and Semantic Web. I have found a
>  work"P3P Using the Semantic Web (OWL Ontology, RDF Policy and RDQL Rules)"
> ( as Working Group Note
>  September 2004.
> Can you please tell me what else the Working Group has done on this topic?
> Why the latest version of the mentioned work above becomes the older
>  version "An RDF Schema for P3P" (
>  proposed in January 2002?
> Thank you very much,
> Sand

Received on Friday, 25 March 2011 15:32:04 UTC