Re: About compact policy error

Am Thursday 19 August 2004 16:56 verlautbarte yuliang liu :
> Dear all:
> I am a student doing a P3P demonstration on the site
> of University of Sheffield. I have
> created P3P.xml reference file and policy.p3p policy
> file, and both of them can be validated through
> validator successfully. however, when I put them in
> the same root directory (/w3c/)and validate them, the
> following error message
> will appearing:

This concerns the compact policy transported with the P3P header. This 
generates the errors.
> Step 2-1: Compact Policy Validation
> Compact Policy has syntax errors or warnings.
> Error: TIA is not valid compact policy element.

This is a typo as the compact token is called TAI and stands for one 
time tailoring.

> Error: No "compact-retention" element exists (at
> least, one element required).

A statement about the amount of time that data is retained is missing in 
the compact header (see the URI above)
> Error: No "compact-recipient" element exists (at
> least, one element required).

This is the same as above, see

You will need at least one element.

All those things are not in your policy, but in the compact policy. 
Those are the tokens (only for cookies) that are transported in the P3P 
Header of the HTTP-answer to the GET request. If you don't use a 
cookie, you won't need the compact format at all. 

If you have a simple setup and no cookie, I would suggest that you use 
the well-known location (/w3c/p3p.xml) for the Policy Reference File 
and remove the P3P Header from the Web Server configuration.

Rigo Wenning            W3C/ERCIM
Staff Counsel           Privacy Activity Lead        2004, Routes des Lucioles      F-06902 Sophia Antipolis

Received on Thursday, 19 August 2004 15:39:54 UTC