About compact policy error

Dear all:

I am a student doing a P3P demonstration on the site
of University of Sheffield. I have 
created P3P.xml reference file and policy.p3p policy
file, and both of them can be validated through
validator successfully. however, when I put them in
the same root directory (/w3c/)and validate them, the
following error message 
will appearing: 

Step 2-1: Compact Policy Validation

Compact Policy has syntax errors or warnings.

Error: TIA is not valid compact policy element.

Error: No "compact-retention" element exists (at
least, one element required).

Error: No "compact-recipient" element exists (at
least, one element required).

Please give some suggestions to solve the problem, I
need it urgently. thanks

Department of Information Study
University of Sheffield

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Received on Thursday, 19 August 2004 15:20:50 UTC