Purpose element question


I'd like to get clarification on when a purpose can be designated opt-in.
After reviewing the spec, esp http://www.w3.org/TR/P3P/#English, I'm still

For a web form with the fields:

  email address (required)
  first name (not required)
  last name (not required)

The form says "Sign up to receive our newsletter."
When users submit, they are added to a mailing list. 
Users can unsubscribe at any time from another web form whose link is
included in all newsletters.

What should the purpose be?
<current/> - to complete the sign up process.
<contact required="opt-out"/> - to use the submitted info for marketing,
submission only allows signup, user must opt-out later.	
<contact required="opt-in"/> - to use the submitted info for marketing, the
act of submitting is the "opt-in" of the the user.
Or a combination of both?

Can it be "opt-in" since that's the stated purpose of the site and the user
must explicitly submit?
Ie. If they dont' want to opt-in, they can leave the site and not submit.

In all cases, should the DATA elements be as below?
<DATA ref="#user.home-info.online.email"/>
<DATA ref="#user.name.given" optional="yes"/> 
<DATA ref="#user.name.family" optional="yes"/> 


Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 18:04:07 UTC