Re: IE6 and finding the policy summary with https

> > Most likely, your policy reference file is not available over https.
> IE 5.5 on a different client finds both http://testserver/w3c/p3p.xml and
> https://testserver/w3c/p3p.xml. For some reason, IE 6 won't display XML
> files like 5.5 (is my 6.0 corrupt?? or a new 'feature'??).

Hmm... I use IE6 and am able to see XML files, for example,

> I can't tell if the P3P header is being served under https; it is under
> http. The link method is not in use.

Is your policy reference file at the well-known location (/w3c/p3p.xml) 
or is it somewhere else? If it is at the well-known location,
the P3P header is not relavent to whether IE6 can display a privacy

Have you tried testing this with the W3C validator?


Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2002 15:11:40 UTC